Monday, November 30, 2009

Autumn Marsh

Autumn Marsh by Linda Warner Constantino. copyrighted © 2009. Oil on gessoboard, 8 by 10 in.

I was able to run out and paint this painting as a demo lesson for my nephew who is an aspiring artist. It was 3 pm when we started painting and the sky and the light started to change every 5 minutes. Our total painting time was an hour and half. I painted this scene over the summer and it was a range of cool greens and now it was practically on fire. I think this is one of those scenes that I probably will continue to paint just for the practice of looking at it with a fresh eye.

Sawyer's Marsh by Sawyer Lash.

This is Sawyer my nephew's first plein air painting! I told him to focus on shapes and values and to mix his colors up first before painting to help him identify warm and cool changes and value variations. He put in the lightest light shape and then the darkest dark shape and worked from there. I love the shapes and colors. I may be biased by I think he did a great job!

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