Sunday, June 06, 2010

A Day of Painting in Rome - Sunday June 6

For some reason deciding what to paint has always been tougher than doing the actual painting. I decided to just go with my instincts since almost everything is worth painting in Rome. I think I look for the light, color and shapes. I am trying to focus more on food related themes since that is what my fellowship is about. The painting above is in the Piazza de Maddelena and the restaurant in Clemente's.

I am a little rusty so today has been getting back into the feel of painting. I have found if I leave watercolors for long it takes a few tries to get back up to speed with such things as getting first washes dark enough and thinking about what I want to emphasize. I love the luminosity of watercolors and the calligraphic quality that can be achieved with brushwork. Watercolors always has seemed more connected to drawing because of this. I am just destined to always be a student of this medium.

In the afternoon I headed up to the Piazza del Popolo and stopped at Gusto for lunch. It is a restaurant and kitchen store. I so wanted to sit and paint in the kitchen store filled with tea pots and all kinds of kitchen gadgetry. I may go back. Lunch was the most delicious green spaghetti with black truffle oil, spinach and tomoatoes.I did some little studies while eating lunch. I will try to post later.

I went to the Piazza Navonna and had a pizza. It seems very commercial there and very tourist oriented.

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